
Friday, June 4, 2021

Book Review: Daughter Of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Daughter of Smoke & Bone     Karou is a seventeen year old art student in Prague. She has her best friend, hangs out frequently, has hobbies, and even has an annoying ex-boyfriend. Normal...or not so much. For this girl was raised by monsters. And from time to time she goes to them and does little tasks, like retrieving teeth. Who knows why, but there is a perk. She gets wishes. Small little trinket wishes that don't amount to much. 

    Everything in her life was as it had always been with a balance between her "family" and the real world. That is until Brimstone starting calling on her every day and she realized for the first time in her memory that the teeth were almost completely gone from his shop. Now there were hand-prints on portals and an angel on her tail. If only she knew just how it would go...

    I loved this book from start to finish. Loved all of it, except the end. Not because it was a bad ending as it was something I sort of expected. Rather, I want to know if things get better or if all hope is lost. There are plenty of things to say about this book. I loved all of the characters. Even Rasgut. (If I misspelled his name I am sorry. I listened to the audiobook on this one rather than having read it.) I just realized this is a 3 book series and I will definitely be reading the others at one point in time or another. 

     If you are a fan of YA fantasy romance then this is a book for you. This book is available on Amazon for $9.99 by clicking here.

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