
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Book Review: Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson

Sorcery of Thorns by [Margaret Rogerson]     Elisabeth was left at the Great library of Summershall when she was a baby. While apprentices were all orphans they normally came to the libraries at 13, but in her case the director made an exception. All of her life she wanted nothing more than to be a warden and protect the libraries and the kingdom from Malifects (grimoires that have turned into monsters), but she is nervous about dealing with sorcerer's on a daily basis. After all, all sorcerers are evil. Nothing can change her mind on that, especially when the director is killed and she smells ethereal combustion and it is blamed on her. Since the only sorcerer she has ever met, Nathanial Thorne, is the one to escort her it seems logical that he may have something to do with the death. Just how far does this plot go and who will believe her that she did not commit these heinous crimes? 

    Elisabeth has led a very sheltered life her entire life. Knowing only what she has learned from books and what she has been taught by her tutors. Nothing exists for her outside her library and yet nothing will quell her curiosity. For instance, do sorcerers have horns? That question is the beginning with young magister Thorne that is a dizzying tale that is cute, funny, and just a little bit obvious. Thorne has his own demons to battle. His father was killed by the same demon that has been at his side since he was 12 years old and to whom he exchanged 20 years of his life. Because of this he has nightmares and can't stand others company before the nuisance of a girl, Elisabeth, must stay with him. Just how far he is willing to let the menace in is another matter altogether. But, a girl who can withstand the thrall of a demon is intriguing indeed.

    I have been on a bit of a magic kick with my audiobooks of late and this one is no different. There is magic, great libraries, grimoires, demons, and plots to destroy the kingdom. Duu Duu Duuuuuuu! Kidding, but you get the gist. It is all very dramatic. Especially when you add in the use of forbidden magical artifacts. The Harry Potter vibes are real. So is the oblivious young adult crushing and feels. That being said I am a sap and loved this book from start to finish. I have nothing to add to this cheesefest and laughed openly at some parts. Even if my husband probably thought me delusional to be doing a mundane task such as crocheting or feeding the baby then randomly start laughing. I think he has accepted that it is a part of life. Besides, he is also a reader and does the same from time to time. Even if he doesn't audiobook. 

    If you liked Harry Potter, Immortal Instruments, or the Novice you will love this book. It is available on Amazon for $9.99 by clicking here.

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