
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Book Review: The Tattler by Chad Miles Descoteaux

     When Barry was a young boy he was abducted by aliens...too bad he doesn't remember it. If he did then he may have had some insight into what is going on now. Instead when the young photographer happens upon a charred corpse in the same field he was discovered in as a child after his abduction he is at a loss. After-all The Tattler magazine only prints fake, outlandish, stories. This one of theirs couldn't possibly be real. 

    I was given this book as an audiobook by the author in exchange for an honest review. I will start by saying the book itself is fun, interesting, and unique. I don't have a lot of negative to say about it, in all honesty. I don't like the narrator. Not that he did anything innately wrong, he just didn't pronounce the "c" in the word picture. It made me cringe every time and as the main character is a photographer it happened a lot. I wouldn't let this deter you from reading the book, or in this case listen to it, however. Barry and Nikki are characters that will cause you to go through a wide array of emotions with them. 

    Such as, at one point due to Barry's actions (which I shall not mention) towards Nikki I was disgusted by him. But, one instance makes neither man nor character and as long as you learn from your mistakes, as the saying goes. Now then. There are aliens in this story. I can safely say this as they are on the cover of the book. The name of these aliens will forever make me roll my eyes and I am sure, once you get to that point in the story you will understand why. I will never understand daytime television and their stars. I will take a book any day. 

    My favorite character in this book is actually someone who was featured in many of The Tattler's stories, Squatch. As his name suggests he is a Sasquatch. I don't know if I like him because he is someone who cares deeply for his family and stands up for his morals or if I simply like him because my husband's nickname is high-school was Sasquatch and was his contact in my phone from the time we were 16 until 18. 

    All in all this is an interesting read and one that conspiracy theorists and normal folk alike can enjoy. This book is available on Amazon on Kindle Unlimited or you can purchase it for $0.99 by clicking here. If you decide you would like the audiobook it is $17.46. 

Books by this author:

Losing Time (The Tattler Book 2)

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