
Monday, December 14, 2020

Book Review: We Don't Die by Cedrick Wilson

We Don't Die by [Cedrick E. Wilson]     Scott has always been an amazing cop, rushing head on into danger. That is until not calling for backup resulted in a known hit-man killing his partner. After that everything became about revenge and all else in his life went to hell. In fact it doesn't seem like it can get any worse until they get a break. McNeil is found dead, but things just get worse when Scott finds himself dead shortly after. 

    Turns out McNeil escaped from hell, but can Scott get back on track to being the cop he once was by bringing him to justice from beyond the grave or is it too late for him? 

    This book was suggested to me by the author at the beginning of the year and shortly after I purchased it. The cover of the book intrigued me and I was excited to get started on it, but it took me a while to get started as I had some medical issues going on. When I started the book it was like a lot of indie books, in that it could do with some editing and some sentences simply didn't make sense. Having read a lot of indie books that no longer bothers me for long, though so I continued on with the book. 

    My main issue with this book is that it reads like a police report. The story is there and it is interesting if you can get past how it is written. It is just dry and even the commentary within it is like a script. There is also the issue of one of the characters. The author outlines how she died and then changes it later on as if he forgot how he killed her. I am not saying it is a bad book, just inconsistent and in need of editing. Preferably in the writing style. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $1.99 to buy or on Kindle Unlimited by clicking here.

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