
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Book Review: By the Light of the Moon: Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves by Jodi Vaughn

By the Light of the Moon: Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, Volume 1     Damon has found his purpose in life: to serve the pack. He is a guardian and his goal is to keep the pack-members safe. So when he is pulled from one assignment to rescue a kidnapped wolf, he does not hesitate. When rescuing the General's daughter, Ava, he learns that the Red Wolves are behind the kidnapping and had intended to force her into heat and turning her into a brood mare. To make matters worse every protective instinct within him is rearing at the sight of her and he isn't allowed to have her. 

    Ava is very thankful to have been rescued, but it seems that she can't go home just yet as her home and the compound have been bombed. Instead she must stay with the surprisingly alluring guardian who is telling her that not only is he a werewolf, but so is she. At least the crazy comes in a pretty package. 

    Sometimes it seems that when you know something is off limits it only makes you want it more. That being said, when the punishment for having her could be death just how far would you be willing to go? I suppose it all depends on the person in question. 

    This is book one in a series and doesn't leave things unanswered. Instead there is resolution with the ability to branch into other areas with it. Which is amazing and the only way a series should be done in my opinion. I don't really have any complaints about this book. I have the Kindle edition of this book, which I am guessing they no longer have as when I look for the book it shows Audible, paperback, and mass paperback. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $11.99 by clicking here.

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