
Monday, October 19, 2020

Book Review: Frey by Melissa Wright Frey (The Frey Saga Book 1) eBook: Wright, Melissa: Kindle Store     Elfreya has never fit in with the other elves of her village and isn't even welcome at home, with her Aunt. She isn't magical and is more clumsy than the others. In fact, she had her own Council Assigned teacher, Junnie to help her as much as was possible. That is until a stranger arrives in the town, named Chevelle. He is a dark elf from the Northern Realms and around him Elfreya is slowly able to master some small portions of her magic. All was going well before she was dragged before the Council and convicted for practicing Dark Magic without a trial. 

    She has now escaped and is on the run to the North following a map she accidentally cast as a spell onto her hands. She isn't sure what will happen when she reaches the North, but it has to be better than whatever the Council has planned for her. The question is: can she trust Chevelle to help her or will he just drag her back to the village to face her punishment?

    This is the first book in a series and the only one that I have read thus far. I found myself bored during certain parts of the book, such as the journal, because it wasn't a surprise to me. In fact I wasn't really surprised by anything that I discovered in this book, which is kind of disappointing to me. All in all it is a good YA fantasy book that I am sure you will enjoy. 

    This book is available for purchase on Amazon for free at

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