
Friday, October 16, 2020

Book Review: Catching Midnight by Emma Holly

Catching Midnight (Midnight, #1) by Emma Holly    Gillian was changed into a Upyr by Auriclus at a young age and sent to live with one of his packs. While loved, she feels she never fits in and heads out to make her own way. In doing so she finds her familiar in a young Falcon and their souls are merged. Now either form is theirs. When Aimery catches the young falcon and takes her with him he could be the savior she is looking for, or she could lose a piece of herself to him forever. 

    I bought this paperback book from a thrift store and it sat on my shelf for a long time, lost amongst all of the other books that have found their home there. I chose it on a whim an finished it in 2 days. While there are some typos and occasionally you have to guess what the author intended with a sentence since certain words simply do not fit the book is a good one. There is a lot of sex in it, which is something I never complain about. That being said I found myself getting bored during the sex scenes. 

    Gillian is a girl who grew up quickly and "reached the perfect age" immediately when she became an Upyr. One moment she is being treated like a child and the next she is an adult and is having sex with the pack leader, whom she doesn't really have feelings for. Then when she leaves she merges souls with a falcon instead of the wolves that the rest of her pack were and meets Aimery. 

    Aimery is the second son of a lord that died in battle. He envies his brother and what he can never have while Edward (his brother) envies the battle respect that all of his men hold for Aimery as well as the fact that his wife is hopelessly in love with the man. Luckily for Aimery he does not feel the same for his brother's wife and is able to continue on with his life. Aimery is a heart-throb due to his brutish statue, since all every woman wants is someone who can protect them-gag- who characteristically has a giant dick. Thankfully he is actually sweet. 

    By the way, a Upyr is a shape-shifter (only with a merged animal) who drinks blood, has an ethereal glow, can't go in the sunlight, can be killed by iron, and who is immortal. So basically we combined were-wolves and vampires, but instead of becoming a wolf they find an animal with whom they communicate telepathically and merge souls. 

    Basically if you can ignore the boring sex scenes and embrace the fact that the females in it, outside of the main females, fall at the feet of the "biggest baddest male around" you will enjoy yourself as you read this book. It is one I would recommend if you are just looking for a fast romance novel, since it doesn't take very long to get through. 

This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 at

    Books by this author:

Luisa's Desire

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