
Monday, July 13, 2020

Book Review: Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson

     Malcolm is the book-keep and co-owner of Old Devils, which sells a fair amount of books both in store and online. They also have a blog where they post book favorites. Before Mal became co-owner of the store he worked in the shop under the old owner and actually wrote the first blog post, titled Eight Perfect Murders. This post was a result of some intense pouring-over of all crime novels Mal had read, and some he hadn't, to find eight perfect murders in fiction. Now, many years after the post was written someone seems to be recreating these murders, which has brought FBI agent, Quinn, to his door. Together the find that the more they learn about these murders the more it has to do with Mal. With his dreams of being chased is he committing all of these crimes or is it someone else?
     I downloaded this book on impulse through the app Libby, which is where you can use your library card and check out audio-books from the comfort of your home or wherever you happen to be at that moment. Within minutes I was hooked on the book. It is narrated by the main character, and he tells the story as he is writing it down in a journal of sorts. He even points out his own flaws, such as his dreams; how his nickname is Mal-which could be interpreted as with malicious intent; and that he is not completely innocent in all of this.
      I will not give away all of the details, as anyone who has read any of my reviews knows. If you love any crime fiction novels then you should pick this one up. I trusted the murderer up until the end, which is uncommon, so I tip my hat to the author for that.
     This book is available on Amazon for $14.99 at

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