
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Book Review: Turnstiles by Andrea McKenzie Raine Turnstiles eBook: Raine, Andrea McKenzie: Kindle Store     After Willis' father died, leaving him with his fortune in place of the love and affection he had never harbored for him he decided to rid himself of it. So, he gave the entire amount to some random homeless man on the street and walked away. This man was Marty, who had left his home in Canada, with his Aunt where he had never felt he belonged. Marty took that money, got cleaned up and left London for Paris, where he met Evelyn, a prostitute. Sometimes everything happens for a reason, but can these chance interactions somehow mean so much more?
     This book took me a while to get through and until the very end I had no idea how it tied together or how they even mattered. This book is different than what I normally read and I don't know that I would have chosen it. Honestly, I am still not sure what the point in this book was. They are just lost floating souls trying to make sense of their lives. But, I am sure some people seek out and read books like this, it was just different for me.
      This book is available on Amazon for $7.36 at

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