
Monday, May 11, 2020

Book Review: Shadowless by Randall McNally

Shadowless by Randall McNally    Gods have been forcing themselves on mortal women since all goddesses were slain in the civil war between them hundreds of years ago. The mother always dies and the children have a small portion of the gods power, rendering them shadowless. These shadowless children are then harvested by the gods to not only get their power back, but to grow it as well,  as their power increases with age.
    Amrodan has seen six-hundred summers and over the last two-hundred he has been amassing the perfect team in order to finally end the gods tyranny. How many shadowless will it take to fell a god? What events must happen in order for this to be possible? And just how far are they willing to go to no longer fear for their lives?

    While this book is a good book it is a bit all over the place. There is no defined timeline and one chapter may be at one time and another be in the past. You just have to hope you remember the things you were told in the past in order to know the things that are going on now. I think that was the hardest thing for me in this book. Well, that and the fact that the first 50% of the book was nothing but introducing new characters. The thing about it is that half of the characters that were introduced we have no idea what happened to them. It was like they served their purpose in that chapter and they were no longer of consequence. The book itself was good and I enjoyed the concept of it, I just wish that it was a bit more chronological. 
    This book is a fantasy book that is great for anyone who loves gods, god-spawn, murder, and dragons. If you have the patience to get through the first half of the book then you may find some characters that you enjoy in it, just as I enjoy Pandimonia and the little side story girl who played no part in the actual plot.
This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 at

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