
Saturday, May 23, 2020

Book Review: Savasana's Kiss by R.C. Robbin

     Sean has started having anxiety attacks for some reason and is willing to try just about anything in order to rid himself of them. When someone suggested yoga he couldn't have been more skeptical, but decided to give it a try. After-all, what is the worst that could happen?
     Alex turned to yoga after a very traumatic experience and it has shaped her life ever since until her current point of being a yoga instructor. Her studio has always been a safe place and her home a war-zone of carefully placed landmines. When her newest student comes to class something begins to build and there just may be no stopping it. Yet, he is a married man.
     We stay with those we love because we love them, but sometimes love isn't enough. Sometimes there needs to be more, such as the partners being on equal footing. Even with the best of intentions there are times when we develop feelings for others outside of the one that we are with and have to make a tough decision. The question is, what will Alex and Sean choose?
     I have to admit, when I was first approached and asked by the author to read this book I was skeptical. I am not a yoga person and and not one who believes in extra-marital affairs. This book involves yoga, yes, but it is easily enjoyed by someone who isn't a fan. There is open skepticism and even outright loathing of yoga within this book, but it is embraced.
     I won't ruin this book for you or give things away, but I understand-for the most part- the actions of the characters within the book. I understand Sean's anxiety and panic attacks. I work in a very high stress job and my safe place is reading books to calm down. I understand Alex and what she went through, to a point. It is not anything I would wish on anyone to say the least, though my story is not as bad, and there is no place for it here.
     All in all I loved this book and I am sorry to see it go. I will miss the characters and I hope that R.C. has more for us in the future. If you would like to take a chance and dive into this book it is available on Amazon as Kindle Unlimited or for $0.99 if you just have to buy it at He also has a website that is as amazing as he is:

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