
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Book Review: Rebecca's Choice by Heidi Gallacher

Rebecca's Choice by Heidi Gallacher     Rebecca was awed when older Geoffrey asked for her hand in marriage. It wasn't an exciting marriage, and sometimes the wifely duties were taxing, but she was content. Geoffrey had made many investments into the railways and they would pave their future. That is as long as nothing changed. Everything is comfortable, until the day Rebecca makes her choice, which changes the course of her families life forever.
     This book has a slow start, in fact the entire first half of the book is slow and a tedious read. In part two it picks up and actually becomes enjoyable, however. The weather station is interesting, the cholera exciting, and the romance fun. I couldn't imagine having to rely so thoroughly on a man for mine or my child's welfare, let alone while not truly loving the man. A marriage of convenience is no marriage at all and I am so glad that that is not how our lives are anymore.
     This is a period piece, which isn't a preference of mine, but the book is well written and once it picks up it will capture your attention and keep it until the very last page. I am glad that the author included an epilogue which tied up all of the loose ends that had been left in the last chapter. All in all it is a good dated book, if you can make it to the halfway point.
This book is available on Amazon on Kindle Unlimited at or buy it for $4.99.

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