
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Book Review: Ride: Awakening (Púca Mates) Episode 1 by A.C. James

Image result for Ride: Awakening (Puca Mates) Episode 1 by A.C. James     Felicity is a journalist for an online blog called Everyday Supernatural. She is being sent on a journey to a remote island in Ireland where a local lore called the Púca have been spotted apparently wreaking a small amount of havoc on a construction site. She had just broken up with her long time boyfriend because of him constantly telling her of her shortcomings and this could be just the distraction she needs. That is until she meats Niall.
     Niall is a Púca who has crossed the recently lifted veil into the mortal realm in order to determine why the veil has lifted before Fall as well as to locate a mate, at his father's demand. He does not want a mate and his stallion agrees on this. His priority is to his family. That is until he meets the little reporter who is so interested in his species.
     Can Felicity let go of her recent heartbreak to allow someone close to her? Does Niall want to be that person?
     This is one of those books that is one story broken into multiple books. As always I am not a fan of these books simply because I like instant gratification. I want to know what happens in the story rather than having to go and buy the next part. If the book was all together then I would say that I love it so far.
     I have only read part one and my TBR is so long that it may be a while before I am able to read any more parts to the book. That being said the cliffhanger at the end is enough to make me want to have part two and do plan to add it to the end of my TBR. If you go through and purchase all of the books at once I am sure this is a story that is worth it. I am loving the accents and "getting pissed" is officially my new favorite way of saying getting drunk. Besides, who doesn't like Irish boys.
This book is available on Amazon for free at

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