Alright, so to start there is a lot of sex in this book. And by a lot I mean once they started they were like rabbits. Not that I have much room to talk, but still. They didn't really do anything other than have sex and he "fucked her into loving him." Yup, not kidding. The kid were adorable and I can picture my own two year old being very similar to the 4 year olds that were depicted here. The author obviously has kids. She has also obviously been on some really bad dates. The guys that she described in her online dating horror stories are actually pretty common, or at least they were last year when I was single. Not something I hope to relive again.
The single dad thing was cute and I was kinda into the builder woman thing. All in all the concept was great, but I feel like the book itself was a bit of a let down. That is not to say that I don't think that you should read it. It is definitely worth a read, just maybe not if you are looking for an actual romance.
This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 at
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