
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Book Review: Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews (Kate Daniels Book 1)

Image result for magic bites by ilona andrews     When the world of technology has fallen and magic has risen in it's stead a girl has to make her way somehow. For Kate Daniels that way is by being a merc. Much to her guardians disapproval, who would have rather her join the order, as he had. When her guardian is murdered he just may get his wish as Kate must make the most unlikely and hesitant allies in order to solve his murder.
     When all else fails there is a strong resilient story about a girl doing a typically male job. Always fun to lose yourself in a story of what may be and not even be bothered by the lack of romance in the book. There are a few things that I wish the author had explained better, such as what a level E magic means.
     When Kate fights with the Beast Lord after she tells him " Here, Kitty Kitty" and they go at it I really wanted her to say " Naughty Kitty" to further goad him, but I suppose what happened worked well. This was one of my lovely audio-books that I listen to so I am not sure how long it is, but it is worth a read. For once I was pleased with the narrator. I feel she did a job job of taking you into the story rather than droning through.
     My favorite character in the book would have to be Simon, or however you spell his name. I want to know more about him as the shape-shifter intrigues me. I feel like we could have gotten a bit more details when it comes to characters; such as why Kate and both of the clan leaders hate each other. All in all, though it was a good book and I will at some point get around to reading book two. After-all, who could resist a book with female mercs, shape-shifters, magic, vampires who are controlled by necromancers, and some sort of guild for all things paranormal?
This book is available on Amazon for $7.70 at

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