
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Book Review: Firefly Hollow by T. L. Haddix

   Sarah had to come home early from college in Berea when her Dad got sick then passed away. Her one reprieve was the small pond she went to, where she was not allowed. But when the owner of the land, Own Campbell, tells her to stay away what can she do?
Firefly Hollow; Paperback; Author - T. L. Haddix    Owen has seen Sarah since she was 15, first as his deer then his wolf. He didn't mind her coming to his pond until he realized this woman would be the only one for him and he could't bear enduring the pain he'd grown up with again.
      Some things in this book stumped me, some hit home, and I was dragged through emotions. I generally try to avoid period pieces because they simply aren't my preference but this book drew me in because it is based out of Kentucky and mentions London and Lake Cumberland multiple times. This is close to where I consider home so I just had to read it. This book is set in the 1930s and I can't think of any other books I have read from this period. The characters are formal, shy, and innocent. You never stop to think about just how much times have changed since then until you read something like this. All of my books I am typically buried in are so blunt and blatant in their desires. The birth control is appalling and if people actually stuck a vinegar soaked sponge in their vagina as a contraceptive I am so sorry. That just sounds terrible. And the fact that women had no control over even purchasing birth control? I think not.
     Anyways, if you have a love of shifters, forward thinkers for that time, weird contraceptives, and shy romances pick up this book!
This book is available on Amazon for Kindle Unlimited at

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