
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Book Review: Leven Thumps and the Whispered Secret by Obert Skye

Image result for Leven Thumps and the Whispered Secret by Obert Skye    Leven is now in Foo and must work with Winter and Clover in order to restore Geth to his previous self. Now that Sabine is gone it should make things much easier for them. If not for Jaboon. The rant has now taken Sabine's place and nothing will stop him from his quest to merge reality with Foo. Their quest will take them through most of Foo and separate them; hopefully Fate can help them along the way. If not all of Foo could lose the fight against the darkness.
    One of my favorite fantasy series so far. So much fantasy and reality mixed in together it is like a whorl-wind but thankfully it never deters from the plot. I want to know what the old woman said to Tim Tuttle the first time. We find out what she said the second time but no idea of the first time. Beyond that I love how no matter how dire things get Obert always ends the book on a bitter-sweet note. Giving you a warm feeling for a moment before snatching it away and making you need the next book. Thankfully I have the entire series. If you are a fan of teen fantasy then you will love this. Just keep in mind this is book 2 so start with 1 or you will miss so much!
This book is available on Amazon for $10.99 at

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