
Friday, June 1, 2018

Book Review: My Heart Laid Bear by Georgette St. Clair

Image result for My Heart Laid Bear by Georgette St. Clair    Clover is now in charge of a tiny pack of felons in training. Well they are her siblings but still, they were little criminals. She had to take them somewhere and her sister, Starfire, being left pregnant at the alter by Jeremy McCade was not going to stand. Sam McCade was going to get a piece of her mind since he is the one who insisted Jeremy leave her poor sister.
    Too bad Sam has other plans for the curvy little bear. She was going to be his if it was the last thing he would do. But he had to convince her to come around to seeing why he had not let his little brother marry her sister. And it had nothing to do with the fact that she was a Jones, a family of known criminals and low-lives.
    Finally a story where you find out everything that you need to know with no need to look for another book in the series just to find out what is going to happen or where someone got to where they are. Given, I would like to strangle some of the Jones family members but having grown up in one of those families that all the cops in town knew your last name and all of your families very long rap sheets makes me sympathetic to Clover. Poor girl. Enjoy.
This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 at

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