
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Book Review: Eragon by Christopher Paolini

Image result for eragon    Eragon is a simple farm boy who has found a strange rock while hunting for his family. Hopefully he will be able to sell it for meat since he has been unsuccessful thus far on this trip. What he doesn't know is this rock will change his life and take him on the biggest adventure he could ever imagine. There will be losses and heartbreak but also victories that no one could have foretold. The best will be his companion and partner, Saphira. Travel with Eragon and Saphira as they grown together and become everything that they can be. Hopefully they don't make the wrong decisions.
    I adored the movie Eragon growing up and now I realize all that I missed by not having read the book before now. Truly for anyone who loves dragons, swordplay, and magic this is a good story for them. Personally I am a big fan of dragons and never really got into the other portions as it seems to have been overdone but this is an amazing story. Enjoy.
This book is available on Amazon for $15.64 at

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