
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Book Review: Bear on a Train by Maria Amor

Image result for Bear on a Train by Maria Amor   Leah has been hired to take out a werebear. Probably some guy who has become a threat to national security or has went off the deep end and fallen through the judicial cracks, none the less she must take him out as quickly as possible and then head home. Too bad the very same werebear, Jake, has been hired to take her out too. By the very same person. Lovely, they are coworkers and their agency head is looking to take them out. But why?
    Jake and Leah must work together to find out why Robin is trying to have them killed and to what lengths Robin will go to to take them out. The only problem is...can they resist the growing attraction between them?
    Nice change from Maria's normal pace of shifter books. Nothing about woman dating her boss or even the woman being of a lower class than him. In fact they are equal on every front, even from the beginning. I love books that are about an independent woman with someone who compliments her and makes her better than before, but who doesn't have to have them to survive. Hope you enjoy this book as much as I have!
This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 at

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