
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Book Review: The Lost Centurion by Monica La Porta

Image result for The Lost Centurion by Monica La Porta    Marcus has had everything he loved ripped away from him by a vampire but he must now save a vampling in order to find the whereabouts of the man who killed his wife. Could there ever be anything bright in his life again or will his immortal life be a bleak shadow until his curse is lifted?
    Diana was an escort who had cancer but one of her clients took a liking to her, turning her into a vampire before she could be killed by her infection. Then he was killed and she was captured by some brute of a man who keeps insisting that he will not hurt her. Could this Roman really be there to help or did she just get plunged into a future just as bad as her past?
    For those who love architecture but time period pieces are not something that thrills you this book takes forever to get through and is for the most part a very boring experience. At least I was not a fan but I completely understand to each their own and many enjoy time period pieces. Fight with the Centurion as he battles his past and for his future.
This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 at

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