
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Book Review: Caged Wolf by SM Reine

Image result for Caged Wolf by SM Reine    Ofelia is trying to hide from her past in some little nowhere down just south of the Mexican border where she strips for the bikers and tends to the cage matches. It's nice and she has grown fond of the little town in some small way because it keeps her past far from her. That is until some biker group comes in talking about the Needles. No. It can't be the ones shes thinking of...could it?
    Cooper was changed into a werewolf against his will and each change is very painful on him. But now that he has scented the little stripper he has to have her as his own. What lengths would he go to keep the little witch?
    When two people both have a past that can hurt and chains that bind them to others it can be hard to trust let alone break free of the chains but hopefully they can work together and do just that. This is a nice little book where you are rooting for the girl who shouldn't be able to take down a pack of wolves. I really want to know what she is though and just that might be worth looking up the other books.
This book is available on Amazon for free at

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