
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Book Review: Thrill by Lucia Jordan

Image result for thrill lucia jordan    When the alluring Brandon walks up to Hannah on the sidewalk outside of her office she gives him a piece of her mind only to find out that she is the big client to which she must present to today. Just her luck. But he did manage to get her pain of a supervisor to swallow his tongue so maybe he wasn't all that bad. We'll just have to wait and see though.
    This is one of those lovely books that is all sex and fun and games and ends on a cliff hanger. Personally I do not suggest these books as its like the author just stops at the random part of a book and is like here you go have this in an effort to sell more books. But to each their own. Jump in at your own risk.
This book is available for free on Amazon at

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