
Friday, October 27, 2017

Book Review: A Shade of Blood by Bella Forrest (A Shade of Vampire Book 2)

 B00C8324IS   When Ben and Sophia are back in Cancoon they have to find out if they can pick up where they left off or maybe even add a little more flair to their relationship.  If Ben can get past what Claudia put him through and if Sophia can get over the fabulous Prince Derek that is.
     Meanwhile back in the Shade Derrik must learn how to live without his light, Sophia, without giving in to the darkness inside of him. On top of this it is time to prepare his forces against the Hunter's as they are growing in strength everyday.
    When Derek's twin seeks out Sophia on the mainland who knows who she will choose. Battle the emotions and fight for your life in book 2 of the A Shade of Vampire Series.
     I really enjoyed this book. It picks up directly where the last one left off and that is something that is rare in books. None the less it is a fun book that has a lot of surprises that I never expected. If you like stories that keep you guessing than this is definitely a series for you!
This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here.

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