
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Book Review: Kindling Flames: Gathering Tinder by Julie Wetzel (The Ancient Fire Series Book 1)

Pro pbid 18833    Imagine just getting a new job and it is everything you could hope for and more. You are the personal secretary of the boss of a multi-million dollar company. You get to drive his expensive cars and get free lunches in the cafeteria. Added bonus your boss is super hot. Only catch? He's a vampire and one of his buddies tried to eat you before he could get to you.
    Speed with Victoria though this book that will leave you hanging on every word and spellbound for the next in the series.
     I am going to count this as a review, even if it is a shoddy one, as I don't remember most of this book. I am so sorry for those who have read my reviews since the beginning! I am going through all of my old reviews and posting a link so you can enjoy them as well. This book is available for free on Amazon by clicking here.

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